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MYMP launches its NFT campaign “Now everyone Can Buy MPs”

1 APRIL 2021, PJ – We are happy today to announce MyMP’s NFT Auction, entitled “NOW, EVERYONE Can Buy MPs!”. We have secured 10 MPs for our first sale, available at our OpenSea page for sale at 6pm April 1st 2022 here.

This sale is effectively a fundraiser to run and further develop MyMP in 2022 – hiring staff, advanced data visualisation tools, organising volunteer trainings, and maybe even giving us a long deserved salary of some sort (we’re working for free atm).

First off, a huge thanks to these 10 MPs who have given their faith to help fundraise our project. They come from many political parties, backgrounds and races, and gives us hope for a better political future.

You can find out more details about the NFT sale, and what owning these NFTs will mean on our roadmap page here.

10% of all profits from the sale will be channeled back to their constituencies 🙂 Also, if you’re an MP and interested in joining us, please get in touch at [email protected] or on twitter or facebook.

Second, let us be clear. MYMP is NOT just an NFT project. To wind the clock back, back in March 2020, just as the pandemic was hitting, Malaysia’s political system chose to implode. There’s a wiki link to this, but long story short, Malaysians were pissed. In particular, myself (Chak, founder of and Seah (Journalist at The Edge Markets) wanted to do something about it.

So we applied for a small grant from MCCHR, and together with developers at MakerZone, and the severely underpaid but super-talented Ivan Yee, we built MyMP – a site that represents all our MPs as 8-bit avatars, complete with RPG stats taken from their real world performance. Back then, we’d never heard of NFTs. We worked a full year on the site, and launched in August 2021. The media and public seemed to like the idea 🙂

Also, with EACH time we got publicity, we also got a few comments like this.

ugaiz better bid on them now we made your dreams come true k?

“Hmmm…. so what’s this NFT thing?“, we thought. After reading articles like this, and this, we thought hey… let’s try to raise funds to keep our operation going (our initial USD12,000 had long run out).

And then we fell into a blackhole, reading how Discord marketing worked, getting our mind around lazy minting, gas fees, DAO, FUDs, Rugpulls, Dutch Auctions… you get the idea. We also met some great people at Etherscan, and joining the communities (which baffled us even further). But we think we kinda get it now. Kinda.

And through sharing ideas with some very helpful people along the way, we actually think MyMP can do a helluva lot more on blockchain than just NFTs. We envision an ecosystem where the people of various nations find ways to interact in fun ways with their appointed leaders. Where the media covers each politicians MyMP profiles, and the MPs themselves get competitive about dropping 0.5 in their Loyalty scores. Where volunteers are paid in tokens that allow them to buy new skins for their MP avatars, and jump into a battle rhythm game with the MP with the highest transparency score that allows the avatar to phase through obstacles.

HOWEVER – these things need money. We put together a small amount and started our company, GomenGames S/B. Our goal? To gamify political observation. What kinda games? Well. we have some ideas. Considering our MPs are already 8bit characters with stats, the skies the limit doncha think? 😉

Cos if you make watching politicians fun (all of them, not just the funny ones), hopefully they’ll get away with less, and do their jobs better. Already we have MPs messaging us to update their info, check their scores, and even change their outfits (ahem). We are also going to be announcing some pretty big partnerships leading up to GE15.

So we ask for your help. Bid for an MP. Or if you’re not into crypto, share this and tag your crypto friend with the Ferrari. Better yet, donate, or volunteer.

We need you to care so that we can make them care.

Check out our Roadmap here for more details.


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